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May☆ Warrior ☆Woman

For May I'd like to recognize Shannon Meyers for WARRIOR WOMAN of the month! This amazing woman has been an inspiration to me for many reasons, one of them is since I have met her some odd six or seven years ago Shannon has been so authentically loving. I first met Shannon when she sat in my chair to get some beautiful hair done and from there our relationship blossomed. We have supported one another in our creative careers. Shannon was a new professional photographer when we met, her big change from moving from Montana to Washington where she was counseling teens in crises. She has photographed me falling in love to giving birth to my first child. Shannon has recently moved back to Montana due to her husband being relocated with work (not the first time she has moved for his career) What a brave and supportive marriage they have built together in the 12 years they are about to celebrate.

I asked Shannon, "What's your best advice for a healthy marriage?"

Having each other’s back in ALL the ways. My favorite thing is the fun we have together, and the personal growth we have encouraged in one another.

Since the move (during COVID) it has provided a lot of solitude for Shannon, I noticed a big change in her as she was trying to navigate this new chapter, when suddenly something exciting happened. Shannon was introduced to Wild Women Outdoors and they happen to be hiring! She gets to go out into nature with other women, develop new friendships and be an encourager of mindfulness, soul health, as well as body and mind. How amazing! This is such a perfect chapter for her as she is a huge lover of all adventures. As her career of photography will become more part time, she really gets the best of both passions.

Shannon is a momma of a driven young lady, Chloe. She loves watching the human her daughter has always been and is still becoming. Plus the friendship they get to develop as she gets older. Shannon is a very proud momma! It's not easy being parent, Shannon's best advice to other mommas is know that your kids are not replicas of you, and celebrate and encourage their individuality!

Lastly, I asked Shannon where she gets her inspiration and she said,

"I have learned to be very selective about where I find my inspirations! I am very choosy to follow and befriend positive, authentic people!"

I love this answer as how true is that we as people are influenced by what's around us? So if we are not careful or selective, those inspirations can become a negative impact vs a positive impact.

Thank you Shannon for being you! For growing, being vulnerable, willing, loving, and authentic.

We are all WARRIORS!

Warrior Women 2021

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