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July ☆Warrior ☆Woman

For the month of July I'd like to recognize Lindsey Beaudoin for WARRIOR WOMAN nominated by her sister Mallory. Lindsey is a strong, caring, funny, and kind human.

Although the last few months have been challenging for Lindsey she has become a grandma too a little girl name Lyric which she is helping to raise, but adores tremendously.

Lindsey is engaged to the love of her life Amanda, and together they are a blended family with 2 boys Eli and Joe. Navigating life with love, respect, and passion.

What makes Lindsey extra special is how huge her heart is for others whether humans or animals. She is the type of person who takes the shirt off her back without a second thought or rescues an animal in need. We all need to be loved and Lindsey flows LOVE.

Some stories Lindsey's sister shared with me about the strength and courage the Lindsey has, she ran into a burning house to save an elderly woman and one time she guided a homeless woman living in her car to get housing and resources she needed to move up from her situation. What a selfless act! Thank you Lindsey for being you and true.

Help me celebrate Lindsey!

We are all WARRIORS!

Warrior Women 2021

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04 août 2021

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