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June ☆Warrior ☆Woman

For the month of June I'd like to recognize Larissa Fort for WARRIOR WOMAN! I met Larissa while sharing the same nail tech in which I worked next too. I gained the pleasure of doing Larissa's hair where we really got to know one another. I noticed quickly our views of how humans should treat one another were aligned and we are very passionate about it.

Larissa has a wonderful husband Josh, they are celebrating their 14 years this September and 19 years together. They are more than just husband and wife, they are life partners and parents of 3 very unique fun boys Jack, Gus, and Jonah. I admire that they have been together this long and still the love is there and that is because as she told me,

Our favorite part of our marriage is definitely our friendship. We really enjoy each other's company and value each other's opinions and feelings and conversations.

From all the marriage groups I take part in that has been mentioned as a foundation point FRIENDSHIP. I asked Larissa what advice does she give to couples with children. Let's all be honest marriage changes when the chapter of parenthood opens up.

Take time for each other without the kiddos! Don't get lost in being mom or dad - be that person who first fell in love, be romantic with each other, be their lover. Date nights/ getaways without kiddos are good for the family.

I think that this is great advice! It is hard to "make the time" but the odds are in your favor when you make your marriage a priority while unknowingly teaching our children what a healthy respectful marriage looks like.

Larissa went from a working mom of 2 to a stay at home of 3 - 3.5 years ago. While working she thought to prioritize her career of teaching twentyish other souls she worried about and planned for and trying to maintain an equal balance for her family. She learned that was not true for her and found the change to be freeing to have the focus on her family. Either choice in the road has its pro's and con's, one being the lack of adult time or conversations for the stay at home moms. So how does a stay at home mom not lose her sanity?

Oh it's definitely challenging at times! I've gotten better over the years about recognizing when I am "mom-ed" out and need to take a break, which look like solo trips to the store or being able to read in my room alone without interruptions for a couple of hours.

I admire Larissa so much being a mom of three boys! As a boy mom myself I look to Larissa often for advice and guidance.

One piece of advice I'd definitely pass on is that boys are just as sensitive, empathetic and need hugs and understanding just as much as girls. Just because my boys don't have/show fears about physical challenges doesn't mean that they don't struggle with emotional ones.

I completely agree with this gem of advice. Our little humans are moldable and our boys deserve to know emotions are ok just as much as we need to end body shaming for girls.

What a reward it is for Larissa as the standard to teach her boys how they look at all woman in their lives. Daily, the Fort family practices how to be a great listener, understanding, respect, and boundaries. These are all key values of good communication, a skill learned for these young boys to take with them throughout their life.

Lastly, we are inspired by many things around us and I crave to know Larissa where do you find your inspiration?

Woman who respect other woman without judgment. Younger woman who are changing the way our society views woman and their contributions. Seeing my boys be the sensitive and empathetic people they are without being crushed by society. Hearing that "I love you mom" spontaneously inspires me the most.

Oh the heart wrenching four word sentence that truly stops time I love you mom!

Thank you Larissa for loving humans the way you love!

We are all WARRIORS!

Warrior Women 2021

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