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  • Writer's picturewarriorwomen4u

April Warrior Woman

It is a little bit sad that no one suggested to celebrate a woman for the month of April. Typically when that happens I like to take the opportunity to celebrate one of my many beautiful friends who I admire. This month has been life changing. We have welcomed another baby to our family.

I went into active labor on Monday April 26 at about 3pm. Not knowing how much faster this labor would go from my first. My husband and I decided it was safe to ask my mom to come up and be with our toddler. My contractions were very slowly adding on seconds while maintaining 5 minutes apart. After putting our toddler to bed at approximately 9pm, I called my midwife to confirm when am I suppose to come to the hospital. (We live a hour or so away) She assured us that we still had time and maybe to continue laboring at home but was welcome to come when we wanted. I initially wanted to wait another 30 min but instead my husband and I walked our very long driveway for another 2 hours. At this point my contractions were about 45seconds long 5 minutes apart. We decided let's go to the hospital. We arrived just past 1am and was put into the same room I started with my first baby... room 2021. I was dilated to a 4. I still had some work to do. Work it was. Both my labors are very slow and steady. I labored for 32 hours with my first and this time was 24 hours. Both my babies were "sunny side up" creating intense back contractions. This time I was experiencing hip contractions as well. Although I was incredibly lucky. I got the same Nurse I had with my first and she is a blessing! Between her and my wonderful husband helping with counter massage, pressure, and breathing I was able to keep my goal of an unmedicated, holistic, natural experience. My water finally broke thanks to my lovely midwife and I tell you that was the best feeling! I took a nap and an hour later I am waking up to commotion because I am having this baby. That is 2 for 2 that I sleep a hour and then wake up to actively pushing but knowing that my body is doing this. 10 pushes and my beautiful second baby was born. My husband got to help assist my midwife with the delivery of both our children. What a magical experience.

Thank you for reading my birth story in a nutshell.

Warrior Women

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