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March ☆ Warrior ☆ Woman

MARCH 2021

This month I’d like to recognize Normarose Wagner for WARRIOR WOMAN of the month! She has become my best friend and a huge inspiration over the years.

Oddly Norma and I grew very close with distance. Although I’ve known her for over a decade. Our friendship seemed to blossom right before she met the man of her dreams Daniel and moved to Germany.

“What’s the hardest part about living in a different country?”

Hardest part about living in another country, I think learning the language is a given. Even with prior education, living the actual language is completely different and not always easy. It can be uncomfortable if you don't understand something or not sure how to say something correctly. Within the last few years, I've learned that it's also very important to remain open minded, all the time. The culture of people are different. The way people do and see things are very different in so many aspects. I also miss macaroni and cheese.

I admire this so much about Norma. She’s lived outside of the USA for approximately 3.5yrs and has allowed herself to be vulnerable with the language barrier.

“What is your favorite part about living in a different country?”

Living in Germany has changed me forever - if given an opportunity, I recommend that everyone should visit a different country to gain new perspectives! I love it here. Daniel and I are watching our kids grow up with two languages. It's very green and the landscape is beautiful. I enjoy the recycling and trash system. The architecture of buildings and homes are beautiful - modern or old. However, you can literally feel the history when you go to old villages with old architecture. It's very kid friendly in Germany - many places you can go with children, along with bike/walking paths and playgrounds. There is no comparison, the bread culture here is amazing. There are so many varieties and it's all delicious!

Every time I see her pictures it gives me the ache to go visit. By golly one day I will! I love videos norma shares with me. I’m so amazed at how easily their children go from German to English. What a skill they can have forever with one parent primarily speaking German and one parent primarily speaking English. How lovely it would be if more people made the efforts to learn more than one language.

“What is your dream career?”

Life sure can throw curveballs. I am a very luckly lady who has the title of mommy, and it's the hardest and most rewarding job ever! However, there was a time that I wanted to be nothing but a city slicker who wore heels to work everyday and had a high end boss babe job.
Scratch out city slicker and heels and incert a country side bed and breakfast owner as my dream job. I would love to take all the skills and knowledge I've gained from my previous work and education and use them towards what I would enjoy doing. I'm still searching though, because it will depend on where we live and what we are doing as a family in the future.

This brings me right into Food! Norma talks about these amazing meals that make my mouth water. He background and passion has provided her the skills to create these lovely dishes. I didn’t have much enjoyment for prepping a meal until her passion slowly grew inside me. To the point I’ve asked her for how to videos. In our house one meal we favor in particular she taught me we call Norma Chicken.

I can make a mean lasagna. Given the time, I like to make it all with all fresh, quality ingredients. Sometimes I can find at the store some delicious Italian sauces/pastas/sundried tomatoes/specialty items and incorporate them into my lasagna. I really take my time with it and the whole pan will be gone in one sitting. Overall I really enjoy cooking and baking which I think developed when I went to Culinary school and gained more knowledge and skills. I also like to learn from others, and how they make their dishes. You can really set the tone or mood with a good meal!

Somehow with managing 3 beautiful children, duties of a stay at home mom, and dedicating time to her marriage. Norma is an Event coordinator for an international spouse club!

☆I am currently the Event Coordinator for an International Spouse Club in the area we live in. I replaced the previous Coordinator a little over a year ago and I know I'd be extremely busy if it wasn't for Corona Virus. However, we are very creative at the moment with virtual events. I joined the club a few years ago, and I have met so many fantastic women from all over the world. My curiosity about other cultures made it so easy to attend the very first time, and I'm glad I did. On a normal basis, we organize group functions such as crafting, breakfasts, trips to other places, local events, charity events, language groups, children activities.....the list is endless beings it's been around for over 25 years!

Norma is so brave and remarkable! Her dedications to everyone and everything she loves has fueled me to continue to pursue all the little things that I love. It’s contagious!

“What do you love most about your husband?”

What do I love most about Daniel. I thought about this question during a duration of a long to answer this because there are so many reasons why I'm crazy about him! We met 11 years ago and even though it took us 3 years of being pen pals, it was fire from the get go on both sides. His knack for adventure, humor, smile and smarts caught my attention. It took an abundance of effort and steps of courage for us to be together- coming from two different countries. We learn from eachother all the time, and enjoy spending time together. He is naturally a wonderful father and it makes my heart smile. His attention to detail is superior and I used to think that I was OCD.....I met my match 😎

Having a partner like this is rewarding. I’ve had the pleasure to meet Daniel before their move to Germany. The look these two have is electric! It warms my heart they have found each other and built a fantastic, loving life together.

Kids.... who has them? They are great and very challenging! Norma and I are very similar in our beliefs and they way our lifestyles are. Naturally since her children are older than mine. I lean on her for advice and knowledge frequently. For this blog I asked her 2 important questions!

  1. What have each one of your kids taught you so far in motherhood?

  2. Being a stay at home mom is hard, what do you do not to lose yourself?

Each one of our three kids definitely has a different personality and as a parent, I find myself using different techniques to either solve issues or ways to teaching them things. There is a lot of trial and error, and trying my best every day. When something doesn't work, I try a different way. They have all taught me the value of patience! 🤣 but most of all what true joy is - they are amazing human beings and I feel so lucky to be their mom.
Stay at home mom is hard....What I do to not lose myself....Did I mention coffee is my friend? It's usually the first person I talk to in the morning 🤣 It's important for me that I start my day early and wake up before everyone else. I need to wake up and somehow get ahead with tasks before the noise starts. This really helps! I also like to get all my errands and an early morning walk done. I feel more accomplished and ready for the rest of the day. I think it's important to balance time for the kids, and time for yourself and your partner. My husband and I also enjoy working out and so we will take turns watching the kids so one of us can go running, for example. I try to take a step back and remember that they won't be this little forever, and routines, or how we do things will change - so enjoy how it is right now. ❤

What a Warrior Norma is! She is Strong, smart, patient, diverse, caring, passionate, kind, and loving! Life gets hard and we all get beat down. Norma has taught me it’s ok! Have your moments and try again. Lean on your love ones, those who make you feel safe.

I am blessed to share Norma’s story with all of you. I hope it makes your heart happy and encourages you to go out on a limb and try something new.

We are all Warriors!

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