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Review : Lock Every Door

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

Lock Every Door by Riley Sager was a fantastic read! This is my second book by him The Last Time I Lied that I have dived into and have to say that Riley Sager may be one of my new favorite authors.

Jules has lost her family, her job, and her boyfriend; but has her best friend Chloe. She comes across an add for apartment sitting where she ends up at the Bartholomew. The perfect opportunity to earn $1,000 a week to stay in a pristine apartment for 3 months. Which she desperately needs to get her life back on track. Although there are few strange rules...

No visitors or tours

Cannot stay even one night away

Leave the other tenants alone

Nonetheless Jules decides it's not entirely unreasonable.

Something starts to feel off while living at the Bartholomew, which in itself is its own character reminding me of Hotel Cecil a bit. Jules takes it upon herself to do some digging. Why have people gone missing? Why are the tenants so secretive? Is it haunted? Where did Ingrid go?

The way that Riley Sager writes sets the scene for creepy just right. The story is a steady pace and just descriptive enough. I found myself getting the spooks sitting while the sun sets reading this with a silent timer on my watch (vibrate) As Jules is watching THE VIDEO Suddenly there is knock and of course my timer goes off. It was serendipity spooky my heart raced, Jules heart was racing.

Lock Every Door, is tied up nicely in the end answering most of your questions leaving you with satisfaction.

For Paper back <- Follow the Link $15.30

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Disclaimer : This blog contains affiliate links, which allows me to receive a small commission if you choose to purchase. AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU! This is an authentic post that is solely my opinions. You can find more reviews on my Goodreads and Amazon accounts.

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