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  • Writer's picturewarriorwomen4u

Review on Adoption Stories: Excerpt from Adoption Books for Adults

I am not adopted and by the time I got to page 5 I was already so excited to read this book, to learn more about the way the process works and how these adoptees feel and to read the stories amongst them. I like the way that Janine has written it and how you can feel her authenticity just bleeding through the page. I have found this book to be extremely moving. I am glad that this was recommended to me to read because I have learned a lot from what adoptees feel with the process and how much is stripped away from the adoptees as well as the families that have lost their children. There are too many secrets in the way adoption is being held. If anyone is considering adoption I think this book and others like it, is something crucial to read. For example, I could not imagine living a good chunk of my life then learning that I was technically an illegal alien. It's shocking! There are some heart wrenching stories in this book and I agree that they should NOT be silenced. I like how Janine states "We are planted by Mother Nature and Father Time" I feel that this statement goes for all people. She is passionate about EVERYONE IS LOVED!


Disclaimer: This blog is an authentic post that are solely my opinions.

You can find more reviews on my Goodreads and Amazon accounts.

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