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Review : Treacherous Estate

I love that as soon as you start reading Treacherous Estate you are quickly thrown into the story! A great opening to the PI thriller. The chapters are short, begging you to read a little bit more. Easy this book is one you don't want to put down. With a thrilling, leave you at the edge of your seat kind of plot and the perfect protagonist to go along the ride with. How can you not be intrigued when Jack has a scar on his face from wrestling an alligator and a pet alligator named Emma. There is a perfect balance from thrill, police investigation, love interest, and family that glide flawlessly through out the story. The end is tied up nicely leaving the reader satisfied. Although I have one question - What is the 3 letter code word that Jack chose? <- Follow the link to get your kindle book for $3.99 OR if you have Kindle Unlimited You can read the book for free.


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