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DIY Toddler Pops

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

Whether it be teething or you just want homemade easy popsicles for your Little one. This has been a game changer in our house and I hope for you too!

First I have found these Amazing Removable Mini Pop Molds➡️ for $16.99 We use All the time. I also got replacement Mity rain 18 pack popsicle sticks ➡️ for $8.99. Of course kids accidentally throw them away. My Little one prefers these colorful ones. It has become a fun way to learn colors.

After the sticks are put together, we can start the fun yummies! We have several fun recipes we like to use and I'll share several below. For this batch we did triple berry with vanilla protien. We got these ingredients from Costco.

Add Premier Protien first then frozen fruit and blend until smooth. I use a ninja blender but any blender will work. My ninja blender holds 16 oz which does a little of 18 pops.

Of course it is always necessary to have your special taste tester to approve.😜 Then fill the molds and freeze. We typically freeze overnight, then enjoy.

Sidenote: These popsicle sticks are a little big for these molds, so we tend to fill the molds above the recommended line.



Triple berry vanilla protein

  1. A single Carton of Premier Protein Vanilla (11 fl oz)

  2. Frozen triple berry fruit

Blend Freeze and Serve

Banana Chamomile Blueberry

  1. A 8oz seeped Chamomile tea previously brewed

  2. Approximently 1 1/2 - 2 Frozen chunked bananas

  3. Roughly a cup of frozen blueberries.

Blend Freeze and Serve

Banana Peanut butter Honey

  1. Milk of your choosing ( 8-11 fl oz)

  2. Approximently 1 1/2 -2 Frozen chunked banans

  3. 3 TBS of peanut butter

  4. 1 TBS Honey

Blend Freeze and Serve

Breastmilk Pops

  1. Pump Breastmilk and fill pop tray

Freeze and Serve

Comment Below how you enjoyed any of these as well as sharing any recipes you have done and enjoyed!

Thank you for stopping by at Warrior Women


Disclaimer: This blog contains affiliate links, which allows me to receive a small comission if you choose to purchase. AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU I am not a medical professional and you should consult your doctor/pediatrician about any of these recipes ahead of time. This is an authentic post that are solely my opinions and reciepes that work for me and my family.

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